Happiness is a Harley-Heaven Harley-Davidson

Happiness is a Harley-Heaven Harley-Davidson
There's an old saying among riders that “you never see a motorbike out front of a shrink's office" – an indication of the welcome side-effect of motorcycle ownership having a positive impact on mental health.

For many years an anecdotal phrase, but some clever folks at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behaviour at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) decided to put that theory to the test.

The study was funded by Harley-Davidson and, according to one of the researchers, neuroscientist Don Vaughn, clearly demonstrated the potential mental and physical benefits of riding, including decreased levels of cortisol, a hormonal marker of stress.

During the UCLA study, researchers monitored more than 50 motorcycle riders, recording brain activity and hormone levels before, during and after riding a motorcycle, driving a car and resting.

“We knew riders had reported that motorcycles gave them peace of mind, but no one had really rigorously quantified it before,” said neuroscientist Don Vaughn. “When I measured it, these were just the facts I observed.”

The study included men and women across a wide age range and varied riding experience who wore sensors to measure their response to motorcycle riding.

It will be no surprise to hear such findings, as motorcycle riding was a preferred method for relieving the debilitating effects of PTSD experienced by returned servicemen

Researchers found that riding a motorcycle decreased stress by 28 per cent and after riding for just 20 minutes, participants' heart rates increased by 11 per cent and adrenaline levels by 27 per cent, which was comparable to light exercise such as jogging. Sensory focus and an increase in alertness was also measured.

"This could be significant for mitigating everyday stresses," concluded Dr Vaughn.

So, ladies and gentlemen, it is now scientifically proven that motorcycle riding is good for your mental health. But we knew that.

If you'd like to get a solid dose of stress relief, save heaps on shrink bills and visit your Harley-Heaven dealer.

But seriously, if you or anyone you know is having difficulty coping, call LifeLine 24/7 on 13 11 14